How To Treat A Sore Bum From Cycling?

Last Updated on November 7 2022 by Sam

How Do You Treat A Sore Bum From Cycling?


To treat a sore bum, you should ensure that your bike is correctly fitted to your body shape. If you're a beginner cyclist, you may not realize that you're putting pressure on certain parts of your body. As a result, you could end up developing a sore bum.

Once you've treated your sore bum, you should give your muscles time to recover. After a workout, you should spend at least 30 minutes resting before continuing with your normal routine. If you feel any pain, stop exercising until you recover completely.

Cycling is great for getting fit and losing weight. However, if you've ever had a sore bum after cycling, you'll know that it can be painful. There are several factors that can cause a sore bum, including incorrect bicycle fitting, poor posture, and being a beginner cyclist.

Another common reason for sore bums is poor posture. If you're sitting at a desk all day long, chances are that you're slouching forward. This causes your pelvis to tilt forward, which puts pressure on your lower back. If you sit at a computer all day long, you should try to stand up every hour or two to stretch your legs.

Why Does My Bum Hurt After Cycling?

There are several factors that can contribute to cycling sore bums. First off, there is the obvious factor of pressure from your body weighing down on the saddle. Then there is friction from the constant pedaling motion. Next, there is moisture from sweat which increases the risk of infection.

Finally, there is an increase in temperature which causes blood vessels to constrict and reduce blood flow. All of these factors combined can lead to a sore bum after cycling.

To prevent a sore bum, try using a gel seat pad under your butt. Gel seat pads can be found at most bicycle shops. Also, if you notice any signs of irritation or swelling, seek immediate medical attention. Otherwise, just keep hydrated and apply an anti-bacterial cream to affected areas. Some other reasons are the following:

You Are Not Used To Cycling Long Distances

Cycling is great exercise, but it can cause problems if you haven't ridden regularly for at least six months. You may feel soreness after cycling in your hips and butt after riding for several hours. This is perfectly normal, but you should still try to ride every day until the discomfort goes away.

sore bum from cycling

There are two main reasons why cyclists suffer from hip and butt aches after long rides. First, cyclists sit in very small seats for extended periods of time. Second, cyclists tend to lean forward when pedaling, which puts extra strain on the muscles in the front of the pelvis.

To avoid these issues, try using a padded seat cushion and leaning slightly backward when pedaling. Also, consider buying a bike with wider handlebars and a longer stem length. These adjustments will reduce the pressure on your hips and buttocks.

You’re Sitting On Stiff, Uncomfortably Firm Saddles

You may think that you've found the right seat for your butt, but if it's uncomfortable, you'll probably end up feeling pain at least once during every ride.

A stiff, uncomfortable saddle puts too much pressure on your rear end, which can result in painful bums. A soft, comfortable saddle doesn't provide enough support, which can leave you sitting on a hard flat surface, causing further discomfort.

If you're experiencing post-ride bum sore, try switching out your current saddle for a softer, more flexible model. Soft saddles are made from foam or gel, making them ideal for long rides. You should also consider buying a new pair of cycling shorts since they can add padding to your seat.

Make sure you switch out your saddle regularly to avoid getting sore bums. If you find yourself riding on a particularly uncomfortable saddle, you can buy a new one online or visit your local bike shop to pick up a new model.

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How To Avoid And Handle Saddle Sores

Cycling shouldn't be painful. There are lots of reasons why you might experience saddle sores, but there are simple steps you can take to avoid them.

  • If you notice any redness, swelling, heat, or pain, stop riding right away. These symptoms indicate inflammation, which means you have a problem.
  • Try not to sit directly on the seat. Instead, prop yourself up slightly using a cushion or folded towel. You'll find that sitting properly reduces pressure on sensitive parts of your bum.
  • Wear proper cycling clothing. A padded bra and shorts will keep you comfortable and prevent chafing.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration causes friction between your skin and the saddle, which can lead to irritation.
  • You can also treat saddle sores at home. Apply a warm compress to the affected area for 20 minutes every hour until the sore goes down.

If you still feel pain then follow these other steps:

Bike Fit And Saddle Sores

There are several types of the saddle. Mountain bikers may think that a flat saddle contact position is the ideal position for riding, but there are times when a slightly raised saddle position might actually prevent saddle sores. A properly fitted bike should provide comfort for the rider, whether it's a road bike or mountain bike.

If you've ever suffered from saddle sores, you probably already know that a poorly fitting bike can cause them. But did you know that a well-fitting bike can prevent them?

Find out how to avoid saddle sores and handle them if they happen.

Saddle Size

There are two key factors to consider when buying a new saddle: the width of your sit bone and the shape of your pelvis.

Your sit bone width determines the width of the saddle you should buy. Measure the distance between the front edge of your sit bone and your hipbone using a piece of cardboard. Then compare this measurement to the measurements provided by the manufacturer of your current saddle.

You can find out if your sit bone is narrow or wide by measuring the distance between your sit bone and hipbone. A narrow sit bone means you'll probably prefer a narrower saddle. On the other hand, if your sit bone is wide, you may prefer a wider saddle.

A wide sit bone means you'll most likely prefer a wider saddle. However, there are exceptions. Some riders with wide sit bones prefer a narrower saddle.

Moisturize And Treat Saddle Sores

Saddle sores are caused by friction between the saddle and the rider's skin. These painful blisters usually occur after long rides, especially if the saddle isn't properly fitted. Moisturizing your skin regularly can prevent narrow saddle sores from forming.

British Cycling recommends using a medical-grade moisturizing cream called Dermol 500, which is anti-bacterial and moisturizes so it doesn't dry out your skin. You should apply this cream once every day, preferably before bedtime.

You may also want to consider switching to a new saddle. A well-fitting saddle will reduce the risk of developing perfect saddle sores.

Adjust Your Bicycle

You'll want to make sure that your bicycle fits you properly. There are two main factors that determine whether your bike is right for you: your height and your weight.

Find out if your bike is sized correctly. Stand alongside your bike and measure its distance from the ground to the bottom bracket. Then compare that measurement to your height. If the difference between those measurements is less than 1 inch, then your bike is probably sized correctly.

Take Up The Entire Saddle Space

Saddle sores are caused by prolonged periods of sitting on a bike seat without enough padding. You may not realize that you're putting too much pressure on your butt until you start getting sore.

Try spreading your weight across the entire saddle instead of only using the small portion at the front. This will reduce the pressure on your buttocks and prevent saddle sores.

You should also try to avoid lifting yourself off the saddle. Instead, sit down fully onto the saddle and let gravity do its job. This will keep your hips and thighs aligned properly and prevent any unnecessary stress on your lower back.

Add Padding

Padded saddles are great for reducing the pressure that a hard seat puts on your bum. You'll find that the padding helps to cushion your bum and reduces the direct impact that a harsh saddle can have. Not only does this prevent soreness, but it also makes riding easier and more comfortable.

You can buy padded saddles online or in stores. However, if you're struggling to find a suitably padded saddle, you may consider buying a pair of padded cycling shorts instead. These are available in most shops and come in various sizes.

Include Your Core

By activating your core muscles and using your core to balance your weight while cycling, you'll be able to avoid saddle sores and keep yourself injury free.

To activate your core, try doing abdominal crunches while riding. Abdominal crunches involve raising your arms above your head and bending at the waist. As you raise your arms, lift your legs straight out in front of you. Then, bend forward until your hands touch your knees. Hold this aerodynamic position for 10 seconds, then repeat the movement several times.

By including your core in your workout routine, you'll be less prone to suffering from sore bums and backs.


Cheap cycling shorts won't provide enough padding to prevent this kind of damage. Instead, look for padded cycling shorts that will keep your bum nice and dry.

Budget shorts are a guaranteed route toward a sore behind. They may be cheaper than traditional options, but they won't hold up for long. Look for padded cycling shorts instead. These will stay in place far better when riding and will protect your bum from getting rubbed raw.

Finally, avoid wearing any additional underwear, especially cotton ones. Cotton holds extra moisture and makes soreness, skin irritation, and infections more likely. Wear proper cycling briefs instead.

Stand Up

Saddle sores are painful and annoying. Even on flat rides, standing up once in a while helps prevent saddle sores. Stand up every 15 minutes or so to give your backside some relief and restore some blood circulation.

You may not realize it, but your horse's hind end is actually quite sensitive. You should never sit down directly behind him without giving his rear end a little break. Instead, find a spot where he can comfortably stretch out and relax. Then, stand up every 10-15 minutes or so to give yourself a break and restore blood circulation.

Excessive Body Weight

Saddle sores are caused by excessive body weight. Fatty and soft tissue compresses against the saddle, causing friction and irritation. As a result, saddle soreness occurs more frequently among overweight cyclists.

To avoid getting bike saddle sores, try cycling without any extra weight, such as excess clothing or gear. You'll find that your bike feels lighter and easier to pedal.

Also, if you're carrying extra weight, consider losing some of it. Losing 10 pounds can reduce the excessive pressure on your saddle by half.

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